The Epic Adventures of Huggie & Stick (by Drew Daywalt) 看過母雞下蛋嗎? 白白亮亮還帶著溫度的蛋, 一顆一顆落在鋪好的稻草上, 蛋農們看了都樂呵呵, 尤其在這蛋顆顆金貴的年代。 不過你有看過小朋友「下蛋」嗎? 我天天看,他們各個是dropper, 有時跟在孩子後面走,還可以幫忙接住這些「蛋」, 鉛筆、橡皮擦、鉛筆盒、課本、習作、餐袋、外套...... 族繁不及備載。 言歸正傳, Reese今天放學照舊開開心心 背著背包、哼著歌、騎著腳踏車回家, 但是「開口的拉鍊」+「一個大窟窿」, 開啟了 絨毛玩偶Huggie和不知為何存在的樹枝Stick 倆環遊世界的史詩級旅程! Huggie,一個負能量爆棚的悲觀主義者, Stick,一個正能量破表的樂觀主義者, 一路從太平洋(廢輪胎) →太平洋(海盜船) →澳洲 →亞洲 →歐洲 →非洲 →大西洋 →南極洲 →南美洲 又回到北美洲Reese的背包, 性格南轅北轍的倆人, 描述共同的際遇, 竟有著相差十萬八千里的說法, 讓人看了不禁莞爾! 例如: Stick: Best trip ever! Huggie:Worst trip ever! (可以學學相反詞?) Stick:Today we were rescued by these nice guys in super awesome hats. Huggie: Today we were captured by pirates. (被救是事實,被俘虜也是事實) Stick: A giant teddy bear tried to kiss me today. I think Huggie likes me more than he admits, because he got jealous and pulled me away before the teddy bear could kiss me. Huggie: Today a giant panda tried to eat stick. That's what pandas eat, STICKS!...Unfortunately, the bear didn't appreciate me taking away his lunch....