Science Verse 延續上一本Math Curse的基調, Science Verse中小男孩再度因為自然老師Mr. Newton的一句話: "You know, if you listen closely enough, you can hear the poetry of science in everything." 墮入了一個隨時隨地都是科學詩文的詛咒之中, Jon Scieszka & Lane Smith的強強聯手, 果然不凡! 一段一段的Science Verse 只有你想不到的,沒有他寫不出來的, 不只是天南地北含括了 進化論 水循環 黑洞 恐龍 臟器 營養 食物鏈 昆蟲的完全變態 化學 電學 病毒 物質 天文 的科學知識, 細看每一段文字還似曾相識, 不是課本上曾經出現過的文字, 而是在幼時曾經哼唱過的童謠兒歌! 如果你願意的話, 還真的可以就著改編的歌詞唱上幾句呢! 例如: Water Cycle (It's raining, it's pouring...音樂下) It's raining, it's pouring. For H 2 O, it's boring. Precipitation, Evaporation, Precipitation, Evaporation, Precipitation, Evaporation... Evening, night, and morining. 又例如: Mary Had A.... (Mary had a lamb...音樂下) Mary had a little worm. She thought it would be a chigger. But everything Mary ate, Only made it bigger. It came with her to school one day, And gave the lids a fright, Especiallly when the teacher said, "Now that's a parasite." 還有: Jack Be Nimble (Jack be Nimble...音樂下) Jack be ...